The abstract submission deadline is February 15, 2018. To submit your manuscript, please email your abstract to or, or sign up to the elecronic form here.


Abstract (Original manuscript, Review manuscript, Case report), written in English language, and in one of the following languages: Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian languages, with an engaging style that clearly conveys the importance of the research to a broad science audience, and it should not exceeding 300 words.

The title of the manuscript: should be written in bold capital letters

Narrow scientific field:

Preferred presentation form: Oral presentation/ Poster presentation

The author: ( name and surname)

The co- authors :( names and surnames of all)

Institution: ( full name of institution and place)

* If the authors come from different institutions/ departments, please indicate all affiliations with a lower- case superscript letter immediately after the author’s name and in front of the appropriate institution or department name/ address.

The text: the abstract must contain sub-headings: aim(s), method(s), results and conclusions.The abstract does not include figures, tables or graphs. Below the abstract, include a list of three to six keywords by using the US National Library of Medicine’sMedical Subject Headings (MeSH) browser list at:

For abbreviations used in the manuscript , please provide a list of abbreviations and acronyms with adequate clarification at the end of the text.

NOTE: Each congress participant may be the author of one manuscsript and co- author of another manuscript. The author of manuscript must ensure that all co- authors are familiar with the abstract content.

Abstracts must be submitted in Microsoft Word using the style Cambria 11 with no spacing between rows and paragraphs. The Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian or English version of abstract should be kept in the same document.

The organizers reserve the right to reduce the text in case of exceeding the word limit of 300 words so that both versions of the same abstract may occupy a maximum of one page in a collection of abstracts.

All abstract submitted via the online submission form before the deadline will be forwarded to the Abstract Review Committee for review. Abstract received after the deadline will not be accepted and thereforewill not be considered for the programme.


We remain at your disposal should you need any additional information.

Best regards,
the Congress Committee