Uvažene kolege, Obaveštavamo vas da će se i ove godine od 03. do 05. Aprila 2020. godine u Hotelu, New City, Niš, Srbija, održati 7. Kongres Udruženja za Preventivnu Pedijatriju Srbije. Kao i svake godine, to je prilika da steknemo važna profesionalna poznanstva i dopunimo svoja znanja o značaju i mogućnostima prevencije u detinjstvu. Posebno Opširnije
Early bird registration now open – Secure your seat and save! 10th UENPS Congress: Everyday Practical Challenges in Neonatology 18 – 21 November 2020 · Rome, Italy Avail UENPS early bird rates to save 50% OFF! To access the lowest available fees, register before 31 January 2020 and get ready to meet with world-renowned experts to address everyday practical challenges in neonatology! Don't wait too long Opširnije
Više informacija na: https://www.emec-roma.com/eventscalendar/9-congresso-pediatria-innovazione/
2nd LAUNCH Congress: Endorsements from European societies 2nd LAUNCH: Lung Ultrasound in Neonates and Children 13 – 14 February 2020 · Paris, France We are pleased to inform you that the 2nd LAUNCH, the only international scientific congress on lung ultrasound in PICU/NICU care, is endorsed by the following societies: Prepare for an exciting discussion with all major experts in the field Opširnije
Meet the Congress Presidents – Prof. Gian Carlo Di Renzo, Prof. Roberto Romero Birth Congress 2020: Clinical Challenges in Labor and Delivery 30 September – 3 October 2020, Valencia, Spain Meet the Congress Presidents! Prof. Gian Carlo Di Renzo Prof. Roberto Romero MD, PhD, FRCOG (hon) FACOG (hon) FICOG (hon) Past General Secretary of FIGO Opširnije
Read the welcome message from the Scientific Coordinators 4th Summer Discussions on Neonatology 24 – 27 June 2020 · Avignon, France The Summer Discussions on Neonatology is the unique place where you can, at the beginning of the summer season, enjoy a two-year update on the main areas of neonatal care presented by the world leaders in their field in the relaxing Opširnije
Discover the main topics of Fetal and Neonatal Neurology Congress Fetal and Neonatal Neurology: From Basic Science to Clinical Application 22 – 24 April 2020 · Paris, France Neonatal encephalopathy/hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy Seizures, acute symptomatic seizures and neonatal onset epilepsies, as well as status epilepticus Stroke, arterial and venous Intracranial hemorrhage, including intraventricular hemorrhage white matter Opširnije
Discover the venue of ECCI Meeting in Paris ECCI 2020: European Congenital Cytomegalovirus Initiative 23 – 25 April 2020 · Paris, France Born from the merge between the faculties of Necker-Enfants malades, Cochin-Saint Vincent de Paul, and Broussais-Hôtel-Dieu, The Université Paris Descartes Faculté de médecine will be hosting the upcoming ECCI Meeting! Come with us in Paris and Opširnije
Fly with TAP Air Portugal for your ECPM 2020 journey and save up to 15% off ECPM 2020: XXVII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine 10 – 13 June 2020 · Lisbon, Portugal Prepare to book your flight! TAP Air Portugal is granting up to 15% discount to all ECPM participants for their flights to Lisbon! Get ready to meet us in Opširnije