Dear directors of Ian Donald School:
We are happy to inform you about webinar which professor Milan Stanojević (Croatia) is organizing on behalf of International Academy of Perinatal Medicine
17 April 2021 (Saturday)
10:00–13:00 (Central European Time)
Kindly check the attached Program. We are sure you will find it interesting and worth spending some time with invited speakers and their presentations.
In the time of COVID-19 pandemics we believe that this is a good way to stay connected and active. Therefore, we are inviting you to join the meeting. We believe that your colleagues might be interested to join as well. Feel free to send this information to them. Note that there is no fee for participants.
Headquarters of International Academy of Perinatal Medicine
Instructions for attendees:
- Click on https://filida.webex.com/filida/onstage/g.php?MTID=e42df787102ab5e895a32ce86c2d38e07 (You will be offered to register for RECENT ADVANCES IN NEONATOLOGY: NEONATE AND COVID 19 PANDEMIC webinar)
- Click on REGISTER, fulfill required information (name, family name, email address, company, city and country). Click SUBMIT.
- Within a few minutes you will receive an email from messenger@webex.com that your registration was approved. Within this email there will be a button JOIN EVENT. When the time comes with a click on JOIN EVENT button you will be connected to the webinar.
Možete preuzeti program na sljedećem linku/ You can download program at link: